MAP in The New York Times

October 28, 2016   Jacob Levenson

Published in The New York Times, October 28, 2016. View the Article Here


“The Men Missing From the Job Market” (editorial, Oct. 17) effectively highlighted a new study reporting that nearly half of men 25 to 54 who are neither employed nor looking for work use painkillers, and are at increased risk of addiction.

It is admirable to call on Congress to appropriate funds already authorized for opioid addiction treatment programs. But we must ensure that these programs drive successful outcomes for patients.

New data from MAP Health Management reveals that sufferers of chronic pain complete post-treatment recovery support at a 20 percent higher rate than those who are without pain. The data demonstrates that patients with chronic pain show greater receptivity to post-treatment support and long-term recovery from addiction.

Extending the care continuum after the completion of treatment appears to be the key to helping chronic-pain sufferers manage pain, achieve long-term recovery from addiction, and lead healthier, more productive lives.