MAP Articles

Informative articles, interviews, op-eds, blogs and findings from MAP are posted here regularly.

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December 27, 2017   Thomas G. Kimball, PhD

Relying on longitudinal outcomes data, coupled with patient experience, is the best way to begin to eliminate the guesswork currently employed in most SUD treatment plans....


December 19, 2017   Thomas G. Kimball, PhD

Finding effective and safer alternatives to pain management is essential in the fight against the opioid epidemic....


November 28, 2017   Thomas G. Kimball, PhD

We face a paradoxical difficulty in the field of behavioral health when it comes to substance use disorder (SUD) and addiction. There is a huge gap in our understanding and agreement regarding how treatment and recovery from SUD / addiction works most effectively....


November 20, 2017   Thomas G. Kimball, PhD

"The terrifying power of the opioid epidemic is one factor that has increased the need for treatment- and recovery-related services"...


November 15, 2017   Jacob Levenson

In this article, MAP CEO Jacob Levenson discusses how an opioid epidemic begins and the role that doctors play in it....


October 24, 2017   Thomas G. Kimball, PhD

In a strengths-based model of treatment a we discuss how a focus on a patient's strengths rather than their weaknesses can lead to better results....

Featured Articles

As published on February 18, 2016, in Beckers Hospital Review by Kerby Stewart, M.D. Confidentiality is one of the…
The statistics are stark and endless. 39%: The percent increase of national heroin-related deaths from 2012 to…
Originally published at Dealing with patients suffering from drug overdoses is an…
Did you happen to catch last night's Republican presidential debate? Plenty of punches were thrown, some landed and…