romancing drinking

Romanticizing Use

Variable: Romanticizing Use 21.9% – Those who romanticize use are expected to be 21.41% more likely to relapse than those who do not romanticize use. 4.67 – For every 4.67 people that we might be able to move from romanticizing use to not romanticizing use, we might likely prevent 1...
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MAP Data - Relationship changes

Changes in Relationship

Variable: Changes in Relationship Those coded as having negative changes in their relationships were 21.52% more likely to relapse than those coded as having positive changes in their relationships. Therefore, for every  4.65 people we might move from having negative relationship changes to positive relationship changes, we might likely prevent...
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Not Sponsoring

Variable: Not Sponsoring Those who are not sponsoring are 19.11% more likely to relapse than those who are sponsoring. For every 5.23 people that we might be able to move from not sponsoring to sponsoring, we might likely prevent 1 relapse. Therefore, if we have 5.23 people that we could...
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Living With Someone Who Drinks or Uses

Variable: Living with Someone Who Drinks/Uses Those coded as living with users are 18.66% more likely to relapse than those coded as not living with users. Therefore, for every 5.36 people we might move from living with users to not living with users, we might likely prevent one relapse. Regarding...
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Fun in Recovery

Variable: Fun in Recovery Those who have no or not much recovery fun are 10.68% more likely to relapse than those who have the highest recovery fun. For every 9.36 people that we might be able to move from no to not much recovery fun to highest recovery fun, we...
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First Step Reservations

Variable: First Step Reservations Those with first step reservations are 19% more likely to relapse than those without. For every 5.27 people we might intervene with and move them from having 1st step reservations to not having 1st  step reservations, we might likely prevent 1 relapse. Therefore if we had...
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